jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

How have either a sport, hobby, or music shaped your own personal culture? Give details to support your ideas


For this culture painting is important, is not just a hobby is more like a way of relaxing and a way to improve the creativity of someone. Drawing is also important, because help the person to use her abilities to imagine a special place where she would like to be at the moment.  In addition, those activities are related with arts, and that’s why in this culture is common wasting the free time reading something about history art. Or if it is possible visiting a museum of modern art is an excellent option to consider.
Here is it one painting that I recently did.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Blog Post: Read 3 profiles of Costeñas on the website Kiva and blog about which one you would lend money to.

Blanca bought quantities of yogurt and whey by the tank, and also cheese and cream, and sold them quickly, generating more profit for her business.
I am interested in donating some money to Blanca, because I always have thought that women could do big thinks if we can give them the opportunity of improving their projects, also Blanca has organized a good plans for her project that’s way I think she could become really    successful in her job.  
Most of time, police must be careful when doing his job because they are responsible to protect the peace and order in the city. But, in this case they are being a little strict with people. Also they are making to feel upset to the drivers and accused them of committing crimes that they are not related about.
 Contrasting here in Barranquilla, people has a bad perception of mototaxistas because most of them are known for being offenders of traffic laws; also, the police try to control the situations in accidents or conflicts in the streets  but is usual to think that Moto taxis are always guilty  of the accidents.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


In this video it is possible to see that most of afrocolombians are poor, also their necessities are not being considerate by government and society in Colombia. In addition, this ethnic group represents our origins so we should try to take care about this problem. I honestly expect that government think and act in solutions for those people, for example I completely agree about giving scholarships in universities and schools to this ethnic group because I consider that education is like a key to the better opportunities at work. 

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013


My favorite carnival moments

1.       Battle of Flowers I went with my family and had some fun there. I didn’t have too much time for going all events because of the university but I liked.
The costumes of this years has been traditional
2.       I liked one concert near to my house where the community of tree neighborhoods went and danced with the music
3.       Finally I liked a lot going to a party and use 5 cans of spray and lather for having fun. 
 the sapry and the cold water is the best of carnivals.

Tuareg´s culture

1.      1.  We can learns about this culture follow characteristics

a.       They are very conservatives and also they prefer be patient before doing something.
b.      They are very  intense when they talk and express what they feel
c.       they respect a lot of their traditions, also drinking a tea for them  has an spiritual meaning
d.      they don’t see to be aggressive , apparently they are relaxed most of the time
e.      they like peace in their soul  
2.    2.     The images and the melody are very important to understand the culture and their ideologies because almost all the time this factor can help to define the personality of someone and interpret a specific way of thinking.
Also images are always a big help, because one image can say more than 1000 words, so in this video we can have a better perception of this culture. 

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Answer 1
Barranquilla was chosen as the American capital of culture 2013, because this city is the place where is celebrated the carnival each year. The mayor of the city was preparing this surprise since some months ago. She tried to make know to the president of Bureau Internacional de Capitales Culturales.
The president also thought that Barranquilla´s people is very positive and united especially while celebrating carnivals and he said that according to the location   of our city, Barranquilla will  improve his international relationships.
Answer 2
Barranquilla will have the chance to be known for the international society, because this prize will let her to be related with the channels of Antenna 3 of Spain and   Discovery Networks.
Barranquilla will realize some agreements with the international community. And in that way our city could get some opportunities of improving her economy and her culture in the process.